Navy: "Gear Up"

The brief: Convince graduate high school students that a career with the Navy can be fun, exciting and cool.

The idea: Collectible figures are all the rage in Asia, especially among Singaporean teenagers. So to capitalise on their “cool factor”, we launched two limited-edition collectibles, exclusive to the Navy. We used a 3-pronged approach involved posters, DM packs and a viral game (you played the game to win an even more exclusive Officer figure).

The pack.

Assembled collectibles

Viral Game: you build characters and fight them. Highest score wins the 3rd collectible: the Navy Officer. 
Figure (this was the limited edition one). You gain points by challenging friend thus strong viral component


It created a stir…

…across the Net

…bidding went as high as US$300

…queues at Navy Recruitment centre


25,000 packs were mailed to graduating Poly and ITE students, in November, 2003.

Response rate: 2.5%

Total Registered: 1425 Viral infection rate: 16%
(Percentage of people who registered via viral game)